Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Update 2: Newmore Switchblades

Last spring we went on a tour with some of our favorite bands down to SXSW: The Death Set, Ninjasonik, Cerebral Ballzy, and Totally Michael. The tour lasted about 3 1/2 weeks and after kicking off in Brooklyn went down south to Baltimore, Virginia Beach, Asheville, Birmingham, Tallahassee, New Orleans, Austin.. then back up through Dallas, Little Rock, St Louis, Chicago, Madison, Colubus, Cleveland, and Philadelphia. We had a huge crew of over 20 people for most of the trip and the whole thing was documented by our good friend Todd Seelie. It was a crazy ass month and I basically just wanted to edit photos from a warmer time of year since it has been incessantly snowing here in New York. -Jason

1 comment:

Cécile said...

I am working on a biography of Robespierre and I found your website. I would like to known why you chose this name "Team Robespierre"? And why a diamond?